Sky has the go ahead for its takeover of ISP company Easynet -despite concerns the Office of Fair Trading says that it'll let Sky proceed with the £211m purchase. I'm suscpicious of all things that get regulatory clearance during 'holiday season' and Sky now looks likely to steal a lead on BT's 2006 proposition to deliver paid for TV prpogrammes down the phone line. Along with the nodding through of the NTL/Telewest merger this paves the way for some big changes in the media landscape of the UK. Also worthy of note is the co-operation between Sony and Sky to push UK viewers towards HD TVs.
I read somewhere that 10% of domestic refuse is collected in this period, now this could be a meaningless statistic (what's the period? How many collections are made at this time of year?) but there seems to be a lot more refuse sacks around and perhaps we should all have a go at collecting less stuff and recycling more. For myself my plan is to dispose (properly) an equivalent product when I purchase something new and I hope for 2007 to have less tangible goods than when I enter 2006 -we shall see.
A philosophy around avoiding waste that is getting some publicity is Freegans - (didn't they used to be called tramps?).